The preparation time for items that do not require customization is 2 to 3 business days, not including national, regional or local holidays. Depending on the Brand and Availability of the product, these days may vary.
The delivery time for personalized items is 2 to 30 business days (Monday to Friday, not including national, regional or local holidays). This preparation time may be delayed due to important dates, high volume of orders or manufacturing difficulties.
If the products are required for a specific date, contact us through the contact page
The status of your order can be checked at any time in your Tac Rush account or you can also contact us using the contact form.
If a considerable amount of time has passed and your order has not arrived, please contact us so we can resolve the issue as quickly as possible.
Although it is the transport company’s obligation to notify the customer, this is sometimes not the case.
Preferably via the contact form. We try to respond to all queries as quickly as possible.
Of course, you just have to let us know! Contact us so we can modify your order.
If the transport agency returns the goods, it is usually due to: Incorrect/invalid address or Absent recipient.
Check if they have left a missing note in your mailbox. If a reasonable amount of time has passed and you have not received your order, contact us to resolve the issue.
Please contact us through the contact form to resolve any issues of this type.